Lucida Club Edited Select 11

Become a LucidaClub Partner today

Luci­da­Club guides new Can­nacu­ri­ous con­sumers to pur­chase prod­ucts from dis­pen­saries dis­creet­ly and eas­i­ly, improv­ing the buy­ing expe­ri­ence, cre­at­ing repeat customers for our partners.

Why become a LucidaClub Partner?

We're looking for a select few partners across the state, to serve our community of Cannacurious members

What do we do for you

LucidaClub offers curations of cannabis products based on specific, desired results. We guide our Cannacurious members to local dispensaries, just like yours, for pick up in store and delivery (if offered).

  • Grow your customer base
  • Attract and convert the untapped market of the Cannacurious
  • Enhance your e‑commerce offerings
  • Promote your cannabis products with strategic marketing initiatives
  • Geographical exclusivity*
  • No upfront costs

*dependant on your geographical location 

Share your details and our team will be in touch

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